• Panopto: Known Issue/bug For Mac

    Panopto: Known Issue/bug For Mac Panopto: Known Issue/bug For Mac

    PC and Mac - 3.0.5 Beyond - Known Issues Hey Cmdrs, Below is a list of commonly reported issues we're aware of and currently looking into. Please check over this list before submitting a new report and add to the existing report rather than creating a new bug, as it could save you time that I'm sure you would rather spend in game. In order to tell Elite Dangerous to create a Netlog file you will need to perform the following steps: If you are currently playing the game please select Save and Exit to exit to the main menu. This will allow you to access the Network section of the Options menu. Open the Network options menu. Set the option labelled Logging to On. Play Elite Dangerous once more until you encounter the problem you wish to learn more about.

    Panopto Outages Planned for Summer 2018: 7/20, 7/28, 8/11 Panopto Planned Outage 6/9/18 Panopto: Known issue/bug for Mac (February 2018). Apr 17, 2018. Recording; Advanced Recording Options; New Features; Known Issues. Panopto for Mac 5.0 is expected to work on most Mac systems.

    Panopto: known issue/bug for mac pro

    PC Netlogs location (default): C: Users username AppData Local FrontierDevelopments Products elite-dangerous-64 Logs Mac Netlogs location (default): Macintosh HD Users Username Library Application Support Frontier Developments Elite Dangerous Logs.

    Panopto: Known Issue/bug For Mac